Tonight is the season finale of “True Blood”! Are you excited? Stay tuned for our live recap of the show right here at Tragicomical. Until then, #SaveYourself!
The show opens with the fairies blasting the crap out of Russell in the field. He taunts them and Eric comes from behind him and stakes him. Holy crap, no more Russell!
Nora showed up to the field and noticed Sookie’s smell and tried to chase after her. Eric yanks her back so she won’t feed off of Sookie because she has saved his life more than a few times. Jason got thrown, so he sees Sookie as their mother. He’s delirious.
At the Authority, Sam is brought in. Bill tells him that he knows too much and can’t be trusted. He flies off into the ventilation duct. Eric and Nora are back at Fangtasia when Tara tells them that they’ve got Pam.
Sookie asks Jason if he’s okay, but he can only see visions of their parents. Eric enlists the help of Sookie to help get Bill out of the Authority, along with Pam.
Bill tells the officers in the Authority that they’ve been breached. He wants them to kill off any rats, cockroaches and mice and if they don’t shift back into human form after they’re dead, to keep looking.
Sam goes back to where Luna is being held and tells her that Bill has lost his mind. She doesn’t want to leave her daughter.
Jessica and Pam are talking about Bill and Eric being in a nest. Pam isn’t buying that about Eric. Jessica says that according to their bible, Sookie is an abomination — that appears to be finally something that Pam agrees with.
Alcide and his father are talking about life, generally. They get interrupted by Martha and Rikki. Rikki has been dosed with V and is going crazy. Martha tells Alcide that J.D. has been force feeding the pack with vampire blood and she fears that Rikki has overdosed.
Sookie and Jason go to the store to stock up on stakes and vampire killing supplies. He’s gearing up for war. Meanwhile, Martha is trying to nurse Rikki back to health in the Herveaux trailer. She tells Alcide that J.D. held them down and poured the vampire blood into their mouths. Alcide’s father tells him that he should play by J.D.’s rules so that he can beat him. He has his own stash of the good V.
At the Authority HQ, Sam is buzzing around as a fly. He flies back to Luna to tell her that he has an idea.
At Merlotte’s, Lafayette has made up some fruity drinks. Holly takes one and he offers up another to Arlene. He’s got the ladies drinking and dancing. Andy comes into the bar with Morella, who requests some salt. She starts downing it. Andy takes Holly aside to tell her about Morella and how she is pregnant. Morella is going into labor in the middle of the bar.
Bill and Salome start having sex at the Authority. Jason and Sookie are driving to the HQ to rescue Bill, Pam and Jessica. Jason tells her that they should just go through life expecting the worst and that way they won’t get hurt so much.
Everyone is gathered around Morella who is giving birth on a pool table at Merlotte’s with Holly mid-wifing for her. Morella delivers a baby daughter, but we learn that she’s not done giving birth.
Luna skinwalks as Steve Newlin and goes to the cage to get Emma out for a walk. She gets stopped by the receptionist, who asks him about where his southern accent is. She tries to leave as Steve, but gets stopped by Roslyn. She yells at Steve for eviscerating the frat boys.
Morella ends up having four kids. Afterward, she leaves them with Andy. She tells him that it’s his duty to make sure at least two of them survive until adulthood.
J.D. is serving up fresh vampire blood to his pack members. A drugged up Alcide beats the crap out of J.D. and kills him. Martha fends off the rest of the pack with a bow, while his father stands by. They all kneel before him. Alcide tells the pack that the drugs stop tonight. He tells them, “Tonight, we choose pack.”
Eric and Nora are getting back into the Authority HQ using Sookie, Jason and Tara as “cargo”. Bill clears them for access and then notices that Sookie is in the back of the truck. Luna as Steve addresses the public on a newscast when she shifts back to herself. She bares her fangs when Sam as a fly flies into her mouth and explodes her from the inside.
Bill sees Salome going into the room with the blood in it. Salome kneels before the blood and prays that the vampires will rightfully rule this Earth. In the elevator, Tara, Eric, Jason and everyone else are there to wage war against the vampire crazies. Jason takes out the receptionist, Chelsea. He goes all commando on then place and there is blood everywhere.
In the conference room, Eric and Nora take out the entire room. They kill everything in sight and make way for the control room. Tara tells Pam that they’re there to save her. The get the doors open and Tara kisses Pam…Jessica says “I knew it!”
Bill goes to Salome, who has the blood of Lilith. He doesn’t know what the blood will do to her. Salome tells him that she was chosen and that Lilith wanted the strongest. She drinks from the vial and he smiles.
They all get into the elevator to leave except for Sookie and Eric. They are heading upstairs to get Bill. Meanwhile, he has apparently poisoned Salome with silver as she could not predict her adversaries’ next move. Right before he stakes her, she tells him that Lilith chose wisely. He has the vial of her blood and Eric barges in with Sookie. Eric tells Bill that Lilith is a “mad God”. Bill tells Sookie that she is an abomination just like the vampire bible states. She argues with him that he is one of the kindest people she has ever known. He says that he was a vampire living in fear and he babbles on about the scripture. He tells her that, as he’s told her before, that vampires often turn on the ones they love. He drinks the blood, bleeds from the eyes and melts into goo. The pool of blood then arises into another Bill and Eric yells to Sookie to “RUN!”
Was tonight’s show a bloodbath or what?!?